Citizen Science
Project partners: CREAF, Fundació Caixa d’Enginyers

Terra is channelling support from the ‘Engineers Savings Bank Foundation’ to CREAF to support the development of citizen science at CREAF.
An example is the FenoCentres project, which gathers data on the timings of natural events – for example the first flowering of a cherry tree, or the timing of the arrival of the first swallows. FenoCentres works with schools, which become accredited FenoCentres, and with a digital tool available to any citizen, FenoTwin
- FenoCentres has recruited 18 schools, and more than 500 pupils are taking part in gathering data
- Students have gathered almost 1,400 observations of 289 animal and plant species
- 1. FenoTwin, with 328 volunteer citizen scientists, has gathered more than 3,000 observations of 754 species
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